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5 Things You Need to Know Before a Knee or Hip Replacement


Hip and knee replacement surgeries are among the most common medical procedures, with approximately 719,000 knee replacements and 332,000 hip replacements preformed nationwide in 2010. Although hip and knee replacements are relatively common, there are several things to keep in mind before opting for the procedure.

  1. Choose the right doctor and hospital. Although a knee or hip replacement is relatively common, it is still an invasive and complicated medical procedure. Accordingly, it is important to choose your surgeon and hospital wisely. According to the Chicago Tribune, six Illinois hospitals – including Northwestern Hospital – performed below the national average for hip and knee replacements according to a government analysis which looked at hospital readmission rates and complication rates.
  2. Discuss the procedure with your doctor. It is important to discuss the pros and cons of the procedure in detail with your doctor so that you can decide if the surgery is the best course of treatment and will know what to expect in connection with the procedure.
  3. Consider alternative treatment options. Before opting for a hip or knee replacement, it might make sense to consider alternative treatment options. For instance, some arthritis patients benefit from a combination of an anti-inflammatory medications and weight loss along with changes in activities. Make sure to discuss all possible treatment options with your doctor.
  4. Beware of metal-on-metal implants. Metal-on-metal hip implants, such as the Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II, have been linked to a number of serious medical problems, including corrosion and so-called “fretting” at the neck and stem junctions; metallosis from chromium, titanium, or cobalt particles entering the bloodstream after significant fretting; avascular necrosis (impaired blood supply to the bone, leading to bone death, and other complications); hypothyroidism; osteolysis (dissolution of the bone); severe inflammation and swelling; infection; joint dislocation; and allergic responses. In many cases, patients with metal-on-metal hip or knee replacements require a revision surgery. The Stryker Rejuvenate and ABG II Modular-Neck Hip Implant Systems were recalled in 2012 and the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System were recalled in 2010.
  5. Develop a recovery plan. Hip and knee replacements both require significant recovery time. Depending on your living situation, you may need to make arrangements to stay in a rehabilitation facility while you recover.

Contact an Illinois Hip Implant Lawyer

The Chicago hip implant lawyers at Cogan & Power, P.C. are dedicated to protecting patients from dangerous medical devices and negligent medical care. We can help you determine if and how you might have been harmed, and what damages and remedies you can pursue. If you experienced medical complications or side effects in connection with a hip or knee implant, contact our office at (312) 477-2500 to speak with one of our qualified medical injury attorneys.
