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Case Results

  • Record-Setting $41 Million Personal Injury

    Marine Corps veteran suffers broken neck and paralysis after bouncers forcibly removed him from bar.

  • $33 Million Railroad Accident

    Railroad Worker Suffers Double Leg Amputation

  • $30 Million Birth Injury

    $30 Million settlement for child that was injured as the result of negligence at birth and suffered severe and permanent brain injury. Suit was brought against the doctors and nurses and hospital where the child was delivered.

  • $22.47 Million Railroad Accident

    Amputation of Left Heel

  • $16.3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Baby suffers Cerebral Palsy, Seizures and Blindness

  • $15.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Diagnose Leads to Stage IV Terminal Cancer

  • $11.4 Million Medical Malpractice

    Cervical Fusion Revision – Defective Pin Tip Device

  • $11.1 Million Truck Accident

    Van Collision Results in Spinal Injury

  • $10 million Medical Malpractice

    $10 Million dollar settlement for the family of a young boy that died of cancer as a result of physician’s failure to timely diagnose and treat.

  • $9 Million Medical Malpractice

    $9 Million settlement for young father when physicians failed to timely diagnose kidney disease resulting in need for kidney transplant.

  • $8.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    She suffered from Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.

  • $8.5 Million Construction Injury

    $8.5 Million settlement for a 54 year old male who performing survey work in an active roadway in advance of ground breaking on a construction project when he was struck by an unknown vehicle. Plaintiff argued that the Defendant was the General Contractor that was responsible for traffic safety. General Contractor argued it had no notice Plaintiff would be in an active roadway and was responsible for his own safety. Plaintiff suffered injuries to his pelvis, lumbar spine, ribs, spleen, and liver.

  • $8.5 Million Construction Injury

    $8.5 Million settlement for a 54 year old male who performing survey work in an active roadway in advance of ground breaking on a construction project when he was struck by an unknown vehicle. Plaintiff argued that the Defendant was the General Contractor that was responsible for traffic safety. General Contractor argued it had no notice Plaintiff would be in an active roadway and was responsible for his own safety. Plaintiff suffered injuries to his pelvis, lumbar spine, ribs, spleen, and liver.

  • $7.65 Million Product Liability

    The plaintiff suffered acute and permanent injuries to his ankle and lower back.

  • $7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Negligence for Vascular Surgery

  • $6.99 Million Truck Accident

    Shipyard Truck Accident Case

  • $6.8 Million Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident

    Commercial Motor Vehicle Accident

  • $6 Million Medical Malpractice

    Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

  • $5.6 Million Medical Malpractice

    Baby Sustained Brain Injury

  • $5.58 Million Medical Malpractice
    $5.58 Million for a 5-1/2 month-old girl who received an overdose of 3% sodium chloride at Roseland Hospital which resulted in a permanent brain injury.
  • $5.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Family of a 51 year old man recovered $5.5 million after the Decedent died as a result of his dentist negligently administered anesthesia during tooth extraction.

  • $5.5 Million Motor Vehicle Collision

    59 year old father of three children was killed when passing through an intersection with the right-of-way. LaSalle County Sheriff was responding to call and went through stop sign at high rate of speed striking the Plaintiff’s vehicle. LaSalle County paid in excess of the insurance limits.

  • $5.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Reye Syndrome

  • $5.5 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Client was killed when a Deputy of the LaSalle County Sheriff’s Department failed to yield the right of way and struck the client at a high rate of speed.

  • $5.4 Million Wrongful Death

    Record verdict in Washington County, Ohio for the death of an 85 year old woman in a house fire. A tree fell on a power line attached to her home. The utility company failed to timely respond to service calls.

  • $5.2 Million Product Liability

    52 year old man was killed when he was crushed by a piece of heavy construction equipment. He was survived by his wife and three adult children.

  • $5.06 Million Medical Malpractice

    Herniated Disc

  • $5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Clinic Negligence

  • $4.96 Million Medical Malpractice

    She suffered from Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy.

  • $4.95 Million Medical Malpractice

    Cervical Dysplasia Develops Into Cancer

  • $4.7 Million Premise Liability

    Electrocution and Broken Bones

  • $4.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Misdiagnosis Leads to Early Kidney Transplant

  • $4.12 Million Premise Accident

    Spinal Injury in School Parking Lot

  • $4.05 Million Medical Malpractice

    Titanium Mesh

  • $4 Million Medical Malpractice

    C-section and Hypoxic Ischemic Injury

  • $3.95 Million Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice Leads to Amputation

  • $3.9 Million Medical Malpractice

    His physicians mistakingly believed that his vital sign changes were due to a deep vein thrombosis and placed him on blood thinners which worsened the internal bleeding. After 30 hours, he had a cardiac arrest and died.

  • $3.9 Million Medical Malpractice

    39 year old man died following elective gastric bypass surgery at Chicago area hospital. Surgical complications were not timely diagnosed. The Plaintiff was survived his mother and four adult half-sisters.

  • $3.9 Million Medical Malpractice

    Negligence for Colon Surgery

  • $3.8 Million Medical Malpractice

    Feeding Tube in Lung

  • $3.75 Million Insurance Dispute

    Settlement Subject to Confidentiality Agreement

  • $3.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Client suffered a basilar artery thrombosis. The stroke left the client severely and permanently disabled requiring twenty-four hour care. The stroke was caused by unmanaged atrial fibrillation.

  • $3.7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Liver Failure

  • $3.3 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    L4-S1 Fusion After Rear-End Collision

  • $3.25 Million Medical Malpractice

    Misdiagnosed Fungal Infection

  • $3.25 Million Medical Malpractice

    Brain Aneurysm Wrongful Death Suit

  • $3.25 Million Confidential FELA Settlement

    As client was striking the punch with the sledgehammer a piece of flying steel (projectile) struck his left eye. Client sustained complete loss of vision in left eye.

  • $3.25 Million Medical Malpractice

    Wrongful Death

  • $3.2 Million Medical Malpractice

    Wrongful Death Suit with Hospital and Physicians

  • $3.1 Million Personal Injury – Trucking

    Plaintiffs were injured when a semi-truck slammed into their car which was pulled off on the shoulder of an expressway.

  • $3.05 Million Medical Malpractice

    Fetal Distress

  • $3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Hospital Fails to Protect Patient

  • $3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death of 7-year-old

  • $3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Blood Clot Causes Death in Hospital

  • $3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Colon Cancer Medical Malpractice

  • $3 Million Premise Accident

    Herniated Disk, Nerve Damage & Obstructed Bile Duct

  • $3 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Lacerated Artery in Car Accident

  • $3 Million Medical Malpractice

    $3 Million settlement from hospital for its failure to care for 66 year old woman admitted for respiratory issues. Decedent fell attempting to get out of bed and oxygen was dislodged. She died as a result. Settlement paid prior to lawsuit being filed.

  • $2.9 Million Work Injury

    Work Injury

  • $2.8 Million Medical Malpractice

    Wrongful Death Colon Cancer Failure to Diagnose

  • $2.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Northshore University Doctors Fail to Order Cancer Testing

  • $2.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Northshore University Doctors Fail to Order Cancer Testing

  • $2.7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

  • $2.65 Million Trucking Collision

    38 year old father and husband was killed instantly after being struck by a tractor-trailer while riding his bicycle.

  • $2.63 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Client was riding his bicycle on the side of a road and was struck by a tractor-trailer truck and was killed.

  • $2.6 Million Medical Malpractice

    Pneumonia Death

  • $2.5 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    18-month-old Killed by Delivery Van

  • $2.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice Leads to Wrongful Death

  • $2.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    A nurse placed her into a supine position, did not place her on CPAP and then left her unattended. When she returned 5 minutes later, our client was unresponsive and dusky. She suffered a global hypoxic/anoxic injury and was taken off life support and died.

  • $2.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    74 year old woman died shortly after abdominal surgery at a Chicagoland hospital. Plaintiff was survived by her two adult children. The estate claimed that as a result negligence during the surgery caused the plaintiff’s untimely death.

  • $2.4 Million Medical Malpractice

    SIADH Induced Hyponatremia

  • $2.29 Million Premise Accident

    Sidewalk Ice Slip and Fall

  • $2.25 Million Medical Malpractice

    Wrongful Death of Baby

  • $2.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Breech Baby Dies

  • $2.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    End Stage Renal Failure

  • $2.09 Million Medical Malpractice

    Misdiagnosed Metastatic Malignant Melanoma

  • $2.05 Million Medical Malpractice

    Undiagnosed Cholangitis Leads to Death

  • $2 Million Medical Malpractice

    Cardiac Arrest from Blood Loss

  • $2 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Motor Vehicle Accident

  • $2 Million Product Liability

    Hunting Accident

  • $2 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Diagnose Cardiac Arrest Signs

  • $2 Million Medical Malpractice

    L5-S1 Herniation with Fusion

  • $2 Million Medical Malpractice

    Dialysis Patient Bleeds to Death

  • $1.9 Million Medical Malpractice

    Delay in Lung Cancer Diagnosis

  • $1.83 Million Slip and Fall

    Icy Slip and Fall

  • $1.83 Million Medical Malpractice

    Sponge left Inside Body

  • $1.825 Million Sexual Harassment & Retaliation

    Five female paramedics received a settlement for on-the-job sexual harassment and retaliation for reporting harassment.

  • $1.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    CT Orbit Straight Infusion

  • $1.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Negligent Optometric Evaluation and Treatment

  • $1.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Anterior Compartment Syndrome

  • $1.75 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Treat Infection

  • $1.7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Post Op Opiate Intoxication

  • $1.7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Birth Injury Leads to Death

  • $1.7 Million Confidential FELA Settlement

    Client slipped and fell off of a railcar due to raw oil and lubricant on the ground.

  • $1.7 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Recognize Infection

  • $1.68 Million Medical Malpractice

    Lower Back Fusion Surgery

  • $1.65 Million Railroad Injury

    Railroad Injury

  • $1.625 Million Personal Injury

    Client was injured when a stone from a lawn mower hit her in her foot resulting in CRPS.

  • $1.6 Million Confidential FELA Settlement
    Conductor knocked off the side of a rail car
  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Physician overprescribing steroids

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Permanent Nerve Injury

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA)

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Deep Vein Thrombosis

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Wrongful Death Recovery Despite Decedent’s Significant Contributory Negligence

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death of Infant Medical Malpractice

  • $1.5 Million Medical Malpractice

    Multi-organ Failure

  • $1.5 Million Premises Liability

    Client was a guest at a hotel. An unknown assailant entered her room and began punching her in the face. She suffered extensive facial trauma requiring plastic surgery and a possible concussion.

  • $1.5 Million Confidential FELA Settlement

    Client was injured when two trains collided due to a switch not being properly lined. He sustained an injury to his right shoulder requiring surgery.

  • $1.5 Million Premises Liability

    Client sustained a brain injury and injuries to his shoulder and elbow.

  • $1.48 Million Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice Verdict

  • $1.45 Million Medical Malpractice

    Pulmonary Embolism

  • $1.44 Million FELA

    Client was being transported in a vehicle being operated by Professional Transportation, Inc., while in the scope of his work for Union Pacific. The vehicle was traveling at a high rate of speed and crashed into other vehicles.

  • $1.43 Million Medical Malpractice

    Permanent Cognitive Dysfunction

  • $1.43 Million Constitutional violations of the fourth and fourteenth amendments under §1983

    Our client began to run away and he was shot by the train officer. He was paralyzed and died.

  • $1.425 Million Excessive Use of Force

    Deceased was shot in the back while running away from Metra Police after refusing to stop outside of Union Station. He died several days later. He was survived by two young daughters.

  • $1.4 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death from Bacterial Pneumonia

  • $1.35 Million Medical Malpractice

    Unnecessary Lumpectomy

  • $1.35 Million Insurance Dispute

    Bad Faith Claim

  • $1.3 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Diagnose Cancer

  • $1.3 Million Product Liability

    Client was entering the bathroom of a casino using a knee walker and rolled over the drain in the bathroom stall causing the knee walker to tip over. She sustained injuries to her left foot including CRPS.

  • $1.25 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Auto Accident Pain and PTSD

  • $1.25 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Auto Accident Back Pain

  • $1,250,000 Product Liability

    $1,250,000 settlement for failure to operate e-stim machine appropriately resulting in nerve injury of young woman.

  • $1.245 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    $1.245 million settlement for a woman involved in a car accident who sustained multiple bone fractures requiring two surgeries. The settlement amount was for the entire insurance coverage available from the at-fault driver’s insurance policy.

  • $1.2 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Fractured Leg & Traumatic Brain Injury

  • $1.2 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death from Pulmonary Embolism

  • $1.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Diagnose

  • $1.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death of Premature Baby

  • $1.1 Million Medical Malpractice

    GI Bleeding

  • $1.04 Million Medical Malpractice

    Death from Toxemia

  • $1.01 Million Medical Malpractice

    Failure to Diagnose Pituitary Tumor

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Severe Muscle/Tissue Damage

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Medical Malpractice

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Back Pain & Nerve Damage

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Bilateral Below-the-Knee Amputations

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Coronary Bypass

  • $1 Million Motor Vehicle Accident

    Fracture of Right Tibia and Wrist

  • $1 Million Construction Site Injury

    Plaintiff, construction worker, was injured due to an improperly fastened handrail, causing him to fall and suffer a closed head injury and post concussive symptoms.

  • $1 Million Sexual Assault

    Settlement obtained on behalf of a 12 year old CPS student who was sexually assaulted by another child while at school.

  • $1 Million Medical Malpractice

    Permanent Nerve Damage From Surgery

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